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Dr. Amitabh Sagar

Commendation Medal at the United Nations

Dr. Amitabh Sagar

Consultant, Acute Medicine, ULHT NHS, UK - MD, MRCP (UK), FRCP (Glas.), FRCP (Edin.), FACP (USA), MRCP (London), AAHIVS (USA)

Dr. Sagar has vast experience in the management of acute and chronic care in General Medicine and its subspecialties such as infectious diseases, non-communicable diseases, HIV medicine, gastroenterology, pulmonary medicine, non-invasive cardiology and more. He's managed over 8000 HIV patients over the last 12 years.

  • Awarded a Commendation medal at the United Nations for meritorious service in Congo and in 2019 by the Goverment of India

  • Ex-Professor for MBBS and MD programs at MUHS University, Nashik.

  • Ex-Professor at Pandit BD University of Medical Sciences, Rohtak.

  • HIV

  • Infectious Diseases

  • Non-Invasive Cardiology

  • Pulmonary Medicine

  • Has 20 publications in peer reviewed indexed journals.