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Chief Hepatobiliary and Liver Transplant Surgeon, Chairman, Medanta Institute of Liver Transplantation and Regenerative Medicine - MBBS (AIIMS), MS (AIIMS), FRCS (Glas., Edin.), FRCS (Intercollegiate, subspeciality – Transplant Surgery)
Dr A S Soin is recognized all over the world over for his pioneering work in establishing liver transplantation in India, Dr Soin has performed more than 2500 living donor liver transplants in India, which is the highest in the country, and the second highest in the world. His team in Medanta also performs around 20-25 Liver Transplants per month with over 95% of success rate. After training 11 Years in AIIMS, New Delhi , Dr. Arvind Singh Soin went to UK and obtained FRCS degrees from both Glasgow and Edinburgh and got trained in Liver and Biliary Surgery, Liver Transplant, Kidney Transplant, Small Bowel/Intestinal Transplant and Pancreas Transplant for 6 Years. He has been Surgical tutor and Faculty in University of Cambridge. Also Visiting Fellow at Kyoto Universtiy Hospital, Asan Medical Center, Seoul, South Korea and Visiting Faculty at the Edge University, Turkey. He has written over 110 Original research papers which got published in Numerous National and International Journals and Books. He has been received over 20 National and International Awards Including "The Padma Shree" which is the fourth Highest Civilian Award of Republic of India for his contribution in establishing Liver Transplantation in India.
Padma Shri, 2010 (India's 4th highest civilian award)
Swastha Bharat Samman, 2011
E- medinews award, 2011
Achievements listed in Limca Book of records, 2007, 2008, 2009,2010
DMA Award, 2010
RD Birla, 2011
Medindia Oration and Medindia Award, 2008
DMA Distinguished Services Award, 2005
Awarded Visiting Fellowship at the Kyoto Liver Transplant Unit British Transplantation Society Bursary, 1997
Awarded research grant from the Royal College of Surgeons, Edinburgh, 1996
Awarded British Transplantation Society Bursary, 1994
Ranked first in All India selection exam, 1990
Best Postgraduate Student in Surgery medal at AIIMS, New Delhi, 1989
Best Student in Surgery medal at AIIMS, New Delhi, 1985
Liver Transplant
Liver Surgeries
Choledochal Cyst
Portal Hypertension